Strength by Nature

Category Archives: Pinepac News

Bin Sorter Up and Running

The completion of installation and commissioning means Pinepac’s Bin Sorter is operational. This has been a mamoth project for the group and to have it up and running is very satisfying. We are now at week 8 of operation and the advantages from its grading, sorting and stacking capabilities managing material from the sawmill and presenting...

Bin Sorter Construction Update

The end is in sight….

With alot of hard work over the Christmas New Year period the Pinepac Bin Sorter nears completion. Thanks to the hard working maintenace and construction team the roof over the Bin Sorter is completed and roofing iron is due to be fixed. All walkway sections have been completed and installed including hand rails. The...


With the end of the construction job in sight it is nearing the time when timber will reach the Bin Sorter. By the end of November we will see the installation of the transfer conveyor which will signal the connection of the structure back to the existing sawmill. Services (electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic) will also be nearing completion at this time...