Strength by Nature

Timber Treatments

Our Roundwood facility in Kumeu, Northwest of Auckland, operates on-site treatment facilities for CCA (Copper, Chrome, Arsenate) and ACQ (Alkaline, Copper, Quaternary) processes, both water-borne preservatives.

We also offer custom steam and treat services; contact us for more details.

Treated Radiata Pine is more durable than naturally durable tropical hardwoods, which are less readily available. The pre-dried timber undergoes a pressure treatment process where a vacuum removes air from the cells. The cylinder is then flooded with preservatives, and pressure forces the solution into the timber. This process takes two to three hours. Afterward, a final vacuum extracts any excess chemicals, and the timber rests on a drip pad before being ready for sale.

woodmark-logo-goodPinepac offer a 50-year guarantee against rot or decay on all treated timber products in H3 to H5 hazard classes.

Pinepac timber carries the WOODmark® trademark, signifying compliance with the highest standards set by the New Zealand Timber Preservation Council, including treatment to NZS 3640. Only licensed treatment plants may use the WOODmark® brand.